Patient-reported Health Instruments

08 Jan 2008

The Patient-reported Health Instruments website has recently been launched. The group and its website are part of the University of Oxford site of the National Centre for Health Outcomes Development (NCHOD). They are particularly keen to encourage clinicians and researchers from all professional groups to use the site. Their resources include:- An online, free and searchable bibliography of over 10,000 records of published research relating to Patient-reported Health Instruments; Structured reviews of instruments for specific populations and health conditions. A recent addition is a report to the Department of Health of instruments for a variety of chronic conditions (asthma, COPD, diabetes, epilepsy, heart failure, stroke), carers and patient's perceptions of quality. These are available online and can be downloaded free; Details of selection criteria to guide the application of patient reported health instruments. More information on the website is available via the link below.

Patient-reported Health Instruments website

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