Cushing disease
‘Cushing’s syndrome’ occurs when the body is exposed to high levels of cortisol for a prolonged period of time and can occur due to any cause of excess exposure to cortisol-like substances including synthetic corticosteroids. ‘Cushing’s disease’ is a specific type of Cushing’s syndrome, whereby a benign tumour of the pituitary gland stimulates the adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol.
Cushing’s disease is caused by a tumour in the pituitary gland. This tumour produces high levels of a hormone called adrenocorticotropic hormone which, in turn, causes the adrenal glands to produce excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol.
In most cases, the cause of the tumour cannot be identified. In a small number of cases, the pituitary tumour that causes Cushing’s disease is part of inherited conditions, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.
The signs and symptoms are weight gain (particularly around the midriff), puffiness of the face with a characteristic ‘flushed’ appearance, reduction in sex drive, irregular periods, thinning and bruising of the skin, stretch marks (particularly in the abdomen), muscle weakness (with wasting of the muscles in the arms and legs), excess hair growth (hirsutism), high blood pressure, high blood sugar (diabetes mellitus) and thinning of the bones increasing the risk of fractures (osteoporosis). An excess of cortisol can also cause low mood, anxiety, cognitive difficulties, and frequent or unusual infections. In children, Cushing’s disease leads to weight gain, a reduction in a child’s rate of growth, and can delay the onset of puberty.
Cushing’s disease is very rare. One to three new patients per million are diagnosed each year, which means only approximately 60–180 new cases per year in the UK. It is more common in women and occasionally occurs in children.
Most Cushing’s disease is not inherited. Less commonly, people who have inherited conditions such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 or familial isolated pituitary adenoma are at increased risk of Cushing’s disease.
Outpatient tests include:
One form is called the ‘overnight dexamethasone suppression test’, whereby patients are asked to take dexamethasone, a steroid tablet, followed by a blood test. Patients are typically asked to take a single dose of 1 mg between 11 p.m. and midnight, and then to return for a blood test at 9am the following morning. Alternatively, the ‘low-dose dexamethasone suppression test’ requires the individual to take 0.5 mg of dexamethasone every six hours for a period of 48 hours before returning for a blood test.
There are a number of different treatments for Cushing’s disease:
Possible side-effects of surgery include bleeding, infection or pain. After successful surgery to cure the Cushing’s disease, it is necessary for the cortisol hormone to be replaced, which is usually given as hydrocortisone tablets, taken two to three times a day. These may only be needed for a few months before normal pituitary and adrenal function returns, but occasionally have to be continued indefinitely.
Surgery of the pituitary gland may cause the other hormones made by the pituitary gland to fall in level and it may be necessary to replace these vital hormones with medications.
Medications to control cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone levels may have side effects, including abnormal liver function, increased blood sugar levels and abnormal heart rhythm. These can also interact with other medications (including over-the-counter remedies). Regular blood tests and clinical assessments are carried out to ensure there are no serious problems.
It is important that control of raised cortisol is achieved in order to prevent adverse health effects such as cardiovascular disease. Once the disease is cured, the changes due to excessive cortisol production will return to normal over the following weeks or months. The patient’s appearance will return, often rapidly, to normal, and muscle and bone strength will also improve.
Blood pressure and blood sugar will need to be watched and, if they remain raised, may need to be treated as in any other patient.
If the Cushing’s disease is cured, patients may need to continue taking hydrocortisone replacement tablets for life. If the body is unable to make its own cortisol in response to stressful situations such as illness, surgery and injury to the body, hydrocortisone may be needed in such situations to ensure that the body is able to cope.
Even once in remission, patients who have had Cushing’s disease for a prolonged period of time may have thin bones (osteoporosis) and weak muscles. Weight-bearing activity is important to improve both muscle and bone strength. If osteoporosis is present, this may require further medication to improve the strength of the bones and prevent fractures.
Even for patients who are considered to be cured, long-term follow-up with a specialist (endocrinologist) is required as there is a chance of relapse. Patients should discuss any concerns with a medical professional.
Last reviewed: Nov 2021