The Society for Endocrinology Student Video Award challenged students to produce a 1-2 minute video, aimed at engaging the general public with endocrinology in 2020. Communicating science to wider audiences is an important skill for every scientist and the standard of submissions was very high, see the winners below.

The 2021 Student Video Award is open until 30 April 2021. It is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students and you don't need to be a Society member. 

1st Place

Our Bodies May Cure Themselves of Diabetes in the Future

Aqua Asif, University of Leicester


2nd Place

Why does hot flushing occur in menopause?

Carmen Ho, BSc (Hons) Endocrinology at Imperial College London


3rd Place

Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Dwi Delson and Lew Zikki, International Medical School, Indonesia 


Highly commended runners-up


Hormones in the News: Oestrogen

Daniel Foran, Imperial College London


Hormones and Fracking

David Warren, University of Leicester


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in menopause

George Garratt, University of Leicester 

Let's talk menopause

Priya Patel, University of Exeter 


Last reviewed: Jul 2020